In response to Indie rants – The method & madness of Ticket prices

A look at the rpicing model for indie releases in Indian theatres. And a forum, maybe, to put forth suggestions to Shiladitya Bora, who heads the Director’s Rare banner at PVR.

F.i.g.h.t C.l.u.b

With the release of Ship Of Theseus, we are not only debating its merit (here and here) but another conversation has started on social media – about ticket prices. Why is it so expensive? Should indie tickets be less expensive? Is it even possible? Well, we do believe that if a film is great, it’s worth the ticket price. But if you are still bothered about the price, here’s Shiladitya Bora on why it isn’t so easy to control ticket prices.


To be brutally honest, no one (and that includes me as well) genuinely knows what is the best way to distribute an Indian Indie in India. The revival of Indian Independent film industry has just started and it is currently in a very nascent stage. We all are experimenting and trying to identify the best case scenario factoring all the constraints (read quality of the film, limited…

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